Greg Hadden is a topnotch employee! He is a wealth of knowledge and extremely dedicated. The Pentucket Regional School District is fortunate to have him as our Facilities Manager. He cares for all six buildings and supervises the grounds and building crew. This winter, he worked incredible hours trying to keep up with snowstorms and building maintenance issues. Earlier this year, he coordinated applications for funding of building improvements through the 'Greens Project'. Thanks to Mr. Hadden's hard work, several PRSD schools are now slated to have major building renovations. Plans are underway to replace the roof and windows on the older section of the Sweetsir building. (We certainly will not miss the leaky ceilings and drafty windows!). Structural engineers have already been by several times to review floor plan maps and tour the building. Plans are in place to begin the repairs this summer... more details will be posted via this blog once the work begins.
As you can see in this picture, Mr. Hadden even pitches in to fill some of the gaps in staffing left by budget reductions. He often helps the custodians mow grounds and shovel walkways.