This Mother's Day I received an ipad from my family (yes, I did drop a few hints). I am loving the camera and video feature- it is so light and easy to carry around the building! Also, I am learning about what a fantastic tool it is for children with special needs. There are many stories of children with autism and other learning disabilities who have had break throughs communicating using ipads. A great website I've discovered is (acronym: Apps 4 Children With Special Needs). It is hosted by a father of children with special needs who established connections with many developers of apps. The site features videos of apps in use so you can preview them and see ratings before buying. Most apps are only a few dollars, but some for special needs can cost hundreds.
This summer, Tracey McCarthy is planning to purchase an ipad for her preschool classroom with the PEF Trailblazer Award! We also plan to purchase a couple ipads with funds from the special education budget. In the future, we hope to bring more ipad technology to Sweetsir. If you would like to contribute to this cause, we would love itune cards to buy apps. Also, donations to the 'Sweetsir Gift Account' could be designated for purchasing ipads. Feel free to contact our office (978-346-8319) for additional information