Thursday, June 16, 2011

Look what just arrived at Sweetsir!

Pictured on the left are the cafeteria tables that have been at Sweetsir since the building first opened.  If you look closely, you will notice many of white table stools now have missing backs.  The brown tables, which came used from another school, have warped seats.  I had an a-ha moment when I went to sit on a stool and slid off!  Hence, I realized why so many children tend to wiggle around while eating.  In addition, these tables are so large only our tallest custodian is able to safely close and open them. 

We were able to purchase six new tables, pictured on the right, with funds left at the close of this fiscal year (Thank you to staff members who have been very thrifty with spending and photocopying).  The round style was selected to promote more natural conversation.  No one is left sitting alone and more friends can participate in a discussion.  Our hope is to eventually replace all of the older tables.  They are very expensive- however, the last set lasted over 40 years!