Sunday, June 26, 2011


We had a great last day of school at Sweetsir on June 23rd. Now the focus is on preparing for next year! The custodians have begun emptying everything out of the classrooms. They will strip all the floors then lay six coats of wax- letting each layer dry in between. In the front office, we are placing supply orders, making up schedules and registering new students.
If you know of any families moving to town, please let them know the office is open most days until 2:00pm.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Look what just arrived at Sweetsir!

Pictured on the left are the cafeteria tables that have been at Sweetsir since the building first opened.  If you look closely, you will notice many of white table stools now have missing backs.  The brown tables, which came used from another school, have warped seats.  I had an a-ha moment when I went to sit on a stool and slid off!  Hence, I realized why so many children tend to wiggle around while eating.  In addition, these tables are so large only our tallest custodian is able to safely close and open them. 

We were able to purchase six new tables, pictured on the right, with funds left at the close of this fiscal year (Thank you to staff members who have been very thrifty with spending and photocopying).  The round style was selected to promote more natural conversation.  No one is left sitting alone and more friends can participate in a discussion.  Our hope is to eventually replace all of the older tables.  They are very expensive- however, the last set lasted over 40 years!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Locked Up!

On Friday, June 10th, our kindergarten students walked down Church Street to visit the Police and Fire Departments.  Police Crusiers even drove along side them on the trip!  Our students appreciated Merrimac's First Responders taking the time to answer questions and give tours of the facilities.  As you can see, one of the highlights for students was being locked in the slammer.  LOL, perhaps, I should have titled this blog- Guess: Which Principal's Son Landed in Jail?  Hint- Mrs. Shea only has daughters, so it was not hers.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Apps 4 Children with Special Needs

This Mother's Day I received an ipad from my family (yes, I did drop a few hints).  I am loving the camera and video feature- it is so light and easy to carry around the building!  Also, I am learning about what a fantastic tool it is for children with special needs.  There are many stories of children with autism and other learning disabilities who have had break throughs communicating using ipads.  A great website I've discovered is (acronym: Apps 4 Children With Special Needs).  It is hosted by a father of children with special needs who established connections with many developers of apps.  The site features videos of apps in use so you can preview them and see ratings before buying.  Most apps are only a few dollars, but some for special needs can cost hundreds. 
This summer, Tracey McCarthy is planning to purchase an ipad for her preschool classroom with the PEF Trailblazer Award!  We also plan to purchase a couple ipads with funds from the special education budget.  In the future, we hope to bring more ipad technology to Sweetsir.   If you would like to contribute to this cause, we would love itune cards to buy apps.  Also, donations to the 'Sweetsir Gift Account' could be designated for purchasing ipads.  Feel free to contact our office (978-346-8319) for additional information

Curious Creatures

Alligator, Turtle, Frogs, Tarantula, Flying Squirrel and Lizards were seen at the Sweetsir School this week! 

Click on the video above to hear the kids excitement when Curious Creatures came to visit the preschool.  The turtle, who layed 20 eggs earlier in the week, allowed the preschoolers to ride on her back!  One of our Sweetsir Dad's, Dean Kosch, is the owner of Curious Creatures.  His presentation was superb!  He interweaves educational facts about each animal as he brings them out.  Students were fascinated as the squirrel flew across the room and the lizard dined on crickets.  Did you know that alligators fall asleep if you put them on their back and rub their tummy or that flying squirrels come out at night in Merrimac??

Monday, June 13, 2011

Golden Scooper Award

June 10th PTO Ice Cream Social 

Lots of families turn out for the annual ice cream social on Friday evening. In about 40 minutes, FNS & HRD Faculty Members raced to scoop through 35 gallons of ice cream.  Children indulged and then ran around the playground while their moms and dads enjoyed each others company.  The weather was beautiful and everyone had a fantastic time!

Ice Cream Champions
Gold Scooper- Melanie Hitchcock
Silver Scooper-Kate Byrne

Part of the Ice Cream Social tradition is seeing which teacher will reach the bottom of her/his tub first to claim the "Gold Scooper" award.  This year Ms. Hitchock, grade 2 teacher, earned first place.  Her secret strategy... 15 years of experience working summers at Hodgies 2 and using her math skills.  (She surveyed her students in advance to find out the top flavor, then arrived early to claim cookie dough.)  Ms Byrne, gr. 1 teacher, came in second with oreo cookie.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

PRSD is fortunate to have Greg Hadden!

Greg Hadden is a topnotch employee!  He is a wealth of knowledge and extremely dedicated.  The Pentucket Regional School District is fortunate to have him as our Facilities Manager.  He cares for all six buildings and supervises the grounds and building crew.  This winter, he worked incredible hours trying to keep up with snowstorms and building maintenance issues.  Earlier this year, he coordinated applications for funding of building improvements through the 'Greens Project'.  Thanks to Mr. Hadden's hard work, several PRSD schools are now slated to have major building renovations.  Plans are underway to replace the roof and windows on the older section of the Sweetsir building.  (We certainly will not miss the leaky ceilings and drafty windows!). Structural engineers have already been by several times to review floor plan maps and tour the building.  Plans are in place to begin the repairs this summer... more details will be posted via this blog once the work begins.

As you can see in this picture, Mr. Hadden even pitches in to fill some of the gaps in staffing left by budget reductions.  He often helps the custodians mow grounds and shovel walkways.

Experiential Learning is FUN

Today was quite a day at the Sweetsir School with lots of experiential learning taking place!  Our second graders walked to the Donaghue School for a tour of their future school.  Principal Robert Harrison welcomed them and gave an overview of what to expect when they return next year as third graders.  Our first graders visited the Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary and participated in a workshop about the insects and plants along the shores.  This was an extension of a science unit taking place in the classroom. Preschoolers were visited by the Merrimac Firefighters and given an opportunity to ride on the fire truck!  Learning is FUN at the Sweetsir School!

Thank you to the Merrimac Firefighters!  The Preschoolers loved seeing the truck and learning more about the apparatus used to keep us safe!  The children rode in the truck as Ms. Patty pulled the horn!

Harlem Wizards vs Merrimac Monstars

The Harlem Wizards game was a huge success!  Kudos to Jen Marden and the other Board Members who organized this fun PTO event.  Despite incredible heat and tornado warnings, the H.S. gymnasium was packed with families and tickets sold out.  The crowd roared with laughter, awed by the comedic tricks and talented moves by the Wizards.  Our home team was also a force to be reckoned with- among them were teachers Kate Byrne and Martine Isabel who impressed the crowd with their scoring shots and Jessica Gilliland, Leigh Curtis-Pare and Kathy Terceiro who brought team spirit with their fancy wigs!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Staff Retirements ~ after 30 and 40+ years!

Two of our beloved staff members will be retiring at the end of this school year:
Louise Brown & Janet Fisher

Ms. Brown began as a substitute teacher in the late 70's, taught Title One for three years, and has been an art teacher at both the Donaghue and the Sweetsir School since 1983.  In recent years, she has hosted an annual 'Spring Art Show' featuring students many creative works of art.  Those who attended the event last month will agree, the high quality work and way it was displayed in the HRD foyer created the feeling of a professional 'Art Gallery'. 

Janet Fisher has worked in Merrimac Schools 45 years!!!  She began her career in the cafeteria at Donaghue and finished at Sweetsir.  Several generations of Merrimac children may remember her fabulous cookies. She has an amazing work ethic and the cleanest kitchen I have ever seen. 

Both of these women will be greatly missed.  We hope they have a joyful and fun retirement surrounded by friends and family.