Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Merrimac Light~ Electric Safety Presentation

 On May 25th, the Merrimac Light Department gave a safety presentation for students in grades k-2.  The talk included an overview of the equipment and tools used.  Students were reminded to stay behind cones and away from trucks when men are working.  They were warned about the danger of electricity in wires and to call the Department if you need help getting kites or other toys off a telephone pole.  The talk was very educational!  I learn something new each time they visit...

Did you realize electricity can travel through water from a squirt gun?  Never aim near telephone wires.

The children loved peeking inside the bucket!  This is what they saw...

The students were given yellow hard hats and Mrs. Shea was given this cool shirt and a unique ride!                           

Thank you to the Merrimac Light Department:  Manager Daniel Folding, Ray Gouley, Bill Jennings and Ken Buzzell.  Also thank you to Police Officer Steve Ringette for helping with the presentation.