We have started creating the lists for next year's class placement. At this point, I've reviewed the parent input forms and met with the special education team to determine any special considerations. Classroom teachers and I will meet during tomorrow's early release time to look at effective groupings of students. This is usually a lengthy discussion as teachers are very thoughtful about how to best balance social and academic needs to ensure each class is set up for success. Unfortunately, until the budget is settled* we will not know which teachers will be at Sweetsir and Donaghue next year. Therefore, teacher assignments will not be finalized until over the summer and placement notification will be mailed home to students.
*On Monday, June 13th, there will be a special town meeting at the Sweetsir School for Merrimac citizens to vote on the 2012 school budget. The meeting begins at 7:30pm and a quorum of 150 residents is needed.