Day One- My First Attempt at Blogging
Last week, I attended a fantastic conference put on by the Ma Elementary Principal's Association (MESPA). The focus was on Technology in the 21st Century; key speaker was Heidi Hayes Jacob (check out her site: It was an excellent opportunity to network with other Elementary School Principals and discover how they are integrating technology in their schools. Over a breakfast discussion, I became sold on Twitter and Blogging. Apparently it is not just for movie stars and celebrities! I've decided to start Twittering to build up a PLN - personal learning network and blogging to share information with parents and community members about the great things happening at the Sweetsir School!
Please keep in mind that blogging is new to me and I am not particularly skilled in the tech area. However, I do have a desire to learn and love a new challenge. I believe it is important for Principals to model being learners. This past week, I have found a number of resources on how to set up blogs, which has given me the guts to make a go at it. Hopefully, I will share some of those links here once I get going. I envision changing this blog over time.... just as I keep changing the picture on my Twitter Profile, lol.