Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Pentucket Cares

Students have decorated posters for the lobby bulletin board
 about the soldier drive.
March 18th-22nd, we will be celebrating "Kindness Week" with theme days and special events.  Students will be encouraged to make cards and write letters of appreciation for members of our school community.  In the lobby, there will be a mailbox to 'mail' the letters in-house.  To show our support to military men and women, we will also be joining "Operation Pentucket Cares."  This High School group will be mailing donations to soldiers overseas.  A box will be placed in our lobby to collect items such as chapstick, popcorn, playing cards, and toiletries.  Students will also be decorating book markers for soldiers during art classes.  Please look for the brochure coming home this week via backpack with more details.