Sunday, March 31, 2013

PTO Thank You

Thanks to the PTO, students are using
 Ipads to create on-line stories.
A message from the Merrimac PTO~

The PTO Board and members would like to send out a special Thank You to the families and students of Merrimac.

With the support from you throughout the year, by contributing to fundraisers and participating in events that have been held, the PTO was able to award appropriations to teachers from both schools at last month's meeting. (This was the second appropriations of the year).

The total amount awarded was $4,865.86 and included items such as IPADS, Elmos, Weighted lap pads, Rocker Boards, Adventure Bouncer and Crawl Tunnel, Field Day/Relay for life shirts for all students and staff at Donaghue, Balance Balls, and T-shirts for annual bug show for first Grade.

Without the support from families in our community, the PTO would not have been able to increase the budgeted amount of $3,000 to $4,865.86 and fulfill all the requests from our teachers.

Thank You again for your support throughout the year.

-Merrimac PTO  Jen, Crissy, Rebekah, Sara, Julie and Sharon

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Cure AT/RT Raffle

Win this Spring basket by donating to the spinathon for Cure AT/RT!
 It is filled with seasonal toys such as a butterfly net, baseball bat, frisbee, jump rope, bubbles, watering can, and shovels. The basket will be on display in the Sweetsir Lobby until the raffle on April 26th at 9:00am. 
Raffle for Cure AT/RT
To enter the raffle, make a donation to the "Sweetsir Spinners" team described below.  All proceeds will go directly to Cure AT/RTAny size donation is welcome and will qualify you for the raffle!  Donations can be made via the Sweetsir School office (cash or checks made payable to "Cure AT/RT").  If sent via backpack, please use an envelop labeled Cure AT/RT, and include your name for the drawing.  For more information contact Erica Wentworth at

Sweetsir Spinners for Cure AT/RT

As many of you know, at the beginning of this school year Merrimac lost two children to pediatric cancer.  My colleagues and I feel blessed that Emma and Avalanna attended the Sweetsir School.  They were beautiful young girls with amazing personalities.  We have many fond memories of how they, and their families, brought joy to our school community.  For this reason, participating in fundraisers to cure pediatric cancer is a cause near and dear to our hearts.                          

Avalanna's family and friends created a fund to support research and treatment at Dana Farber Cancer Institute to cure AT/RT.  The weekend of April 26th-27th, they will be hosting a second Spinathon and Spa Night fundraiser.  The goal is to have 80 teams, raise $1,000 each, and ride spin bikes for 24 hours at Latitude's in Methuen.  (For more details, visit ).

Last year, a team made up of Sweetsir staff members and parents had a great time at the event and raised $1,675!  (Follow the cure AT/RT label on the right to see pictures).  If you would like to ride with the "Sweetsir Spinners" this year, contact our Team Captain Erica Wentworth at   The Sweetsir Spinners are collecting monetary donations at the Sweetsir School office until April 24th.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Pentucket Cares

Students have decorated posters for the lobby bulletin board
 about the soldier drive.
March 18th-22nd, we will be celebrating "Kindness Week" with theme days and special events.  Students will be encouraged to make cards and write letters of appreciation for members of our school community.  In the lobby, there will be a mailbox to 'mail' the letters in-house.  To show our support to military men and women, we will also be joining "Operation Pentucket Cares."  This High School group will be mailing donations to soldiers overseas.  A box will be placed in our lobby to collect items such as chapstick, popcorn, playing cards, and toiletries.  Students will also be decorating book markers for soldiers during art classes.  Please look for the brochure coming home this week via backpack with more details. 

High Five Fun

Students have been having a blast playing in the snow during recess and in the afterschool program! 
This winter, the weather was fantastic for climbing on mounds of snow, building forts, and creating snow people.  Please continue to send in the high five (coat; hats; mittens; boots; and snowpants) as long as it remains chilly with snow on the ground.  As you switch over to spring clothing, remember to write your child's name inside jackets and sweatshirt.  If things go missing, feel free to search lost & found in our cafeteria.  

Classroom Guidance Lessons

From Guest Blogger:  Sarah (Angell) Pond

We have been having a great time in Classroom Guidance lessons so far this year!  Grades K-2 have biweekly classroom guidance lessons that focus on a variety of topics to supplement the Second Step Curriculum.  Classroom teachers and paraprofessionals do a wonderful job working on these skills every day!  Lesson topics include: respecting differences, conversation skills, self-esteem, managing feelings, handling mistakes, career awareness, community helpers, and more.  This year, lessons in Grade 1 and 2  have focused on helping students recognize, refuse, and report bullying. During Bullying Prevention lessons, students have been learning how to recognize bullying behavior and what to do if it happens to them or if they see it happen to a classmate.  The definition of bullying from Second Step is “Bullying is unfair and one-sided, it happens when someone keeps being mean to, hurting, or scaring another person or leaving someone out on purpose.”  Bullying can be an abstract topic for younger students so we often use our school bucket filling theme to help guide their understanding.   It can be difficult for students to differentiate between a one-time incident and continued mean behavior that can lead to bullying.  Students learned there are different ways kids can be bullied and some forms can be harder to recognize. Bullying is not something we can always spot across the playground.  It is often difficult to see and others may not even know it is happening.  We read several books that showed examples of different types of bullying and how the characters were supported by their families, friends, teachers, and classmates.  Students learned how, with support, the characters were able to refuse or stand up to the bullying behavior.  Students learned about the important role of bystanders or those that see bullying behavior happen.   Bystanders are the group with the most power to do something about bullying.  They can offer support, include others, encourage their friends to be kind, and report to an adult if they see bullying behavior happen.
All that being said, it can still be confusing for students to know when they need to let an adult know or when a situation is not bullying (but may still be hard to handle).  We read A Bad Case of Tattle Tongue by Julia Cook.   This is a great book that helps students recognize the difference between tattling on a classmate to get them in trouble and reporting to a teacher when someone’s body or feelings are being hurt.   Students explored how to try and solve a problem first before asking an adult to intervene and when to let a grown up know right away.  Even when students are able to figure out that it would be tattling to tell the teacher about a classmate not following directions, the need to share this information can still be strong.  That is where the Tattle Monster comes in!  This is a great idea I came across on Pinterest.  Students can quietly go up to the Tattle Monster to share these thoughts without interrupting the teacher and avoid tattling.  Each first grade classroom now has their very own Tattle Monster.  Grade 2 classrooms each have a copy of “The Tattle Rules” from A Bad Case of Tattle Tongue to help them decide whether they can handle a problem themselves or if they need to let an adult know.    Students are always encouraged to ask an adult for help if they are unsure whether they need to report.  Together we can figure out what the problem is and how to solve it.  I look forward to the second half of the school year and our upcoming lessons! 
Looking ahead:   Kindness and Appreciation Week is March 18th through March 22nd and Career Day is Tuesday April 23rd.  More information coming soon!  Thanks for reading!
 Mrs. Sarah Pond is the School Guidance Counselor for both Donaghue and Sweetsir Schools.