Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Excellent Drill Today

Since the weather was so beautiful today we decided to hold a practice firedrill. Lt. Ellis, from the Merrimac Fire Department, came by to assist us.  Once the alarm sounded, the children exited the building quietly and quickly.  As soon as they reached their designated areas, teachers counted students and held up signs to indicate they had everyone.  Visitors and volunteers who were present also exited quickly and waited outside.  Myself and a few other staff members walked around the building and communicated via walkie talkies to ensure all children were safely outside the building.  As I looked around today, I was truly impressed with how efficient and smooth everything went!  Feedback from Lt. Ellis was very positive.  We will have several more practices this year so that all children become familiar with our emergency procedures.

Have you held a practice firedrill for your household lately?  It is important young children are familiar with how to use emergency exit routes (i.e., a bedroom window).  Families should also identify a designated meeting place outside, such as a tree or neighbor's front porch.  While the weather is nice, I encourage you to consider having a practice drill at your home.

Construction Update

(Based on Mrs. Shea's observations, see 9/23/11 posting):

The crane is no longer in our back lot and the building was much quieter today!!  This morning a truck came by to pick up supplies to take over to Donaghue.  I have been told the Sweetsir roof is nearing completion.  Most of the roof work is done!  The roofers will be returning periodically to add finishing touches and seal around the heating units as they are installed.

The heating and ventilation work will continue for a few more weeks.  They are preparing to install the heating units on the roof and connect duct work throughout the building.  To meet the expected deadline of October 15th, workers have been here all different shifts.  Last Friday night, they stayed until around midnight to perform welding work when the building was unoccupied.  It must be difficult for the construction workers to work on a school building while it is in session.  All the workers I have interacted with have been polite and accommodating.  It is strenuous work to demolish and rebuild a roof.  I've noticed the men working hard as a team lifting and moving materials.  They have an amazing work ethic!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Leading and Learning Under Construction

Several parents have asked me to blog about the construction as a way to help them stay informed. While I am willing to share my personal observations, please keep in mind that I am not involved in planning or overseeing the renovations.  (I am happy to leave those decisions to the experts!).  My role is as an educational leader; my focus is on ensuring Merrimac children receive a solid educational experience.  

Since the construction projects are under the jurisdiction of the town, it has been reassuring to see the Town Building Inspector and Health Inspector spending significant time on-site to check the progress.  With the nice weather at the start of this week, the roofers were able to tackle areas above both the first and second grade wing.  The heating/ventilation crew also continued to work on installing duct work in the ceiling.  To work around each other, and take advantage of the daylight, the crews have worked both day and evening shifts.  I have never lived in a home while it was being remodeled, but several teachers who have mentioned this has a very similar feeling.  The secret is to stay flexible and keep reminding ourselves that this work is needed to create a safe, warm, dry school for these and future students.

I have been truly impressed with the response from Sweetsir Staff!  Despite the increased activity, teachers and paraprofessionals are doing an amazing job keeping the focus on children and on learning.  Classroom norms and routines have begun to settle in and the students are delving into the curriculum.  They appear happy and their behavior has been stellar.  The beginning of the year math assessments and DIBELS (reading) scores have already been completed and are being reviewed.  On the first early release day, teachers met in small groups, also known as 'Professional Learning Communities', to outline thier goals for the year.  The topics included: co-creating focus lessons for Reader's Workshop, examining students' work to drive instruction in Writer's Workshop, designing social stories and other differentiated activities to meet the needs of all learners, and using smart board technology to enhance math instruction.  All goals have the common element of using collaboration to create powerful learning environments for children.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Spirit Wear

Kudos to the PTO for this fantastic window display in our front lobby!  There is still time to order your spirit wear. Staff members went crazy over these soft, flannel bottoms... they are planning some school spirit days so they'll have an excuse to wear them to school, lol.  Order forms were sent home via backpack last week, additional copies are available in the school office.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Bucket Filling Moments

Everyday at Sweetsir, I see and hear things that are kind and heartwarming....

A 5 year old boy filled my bucket this week.  I asked him if he remembered meeting me last year and he responded with my name.   When asked if he knows what a Principal does, he answered, "You're the one who cares about all the kids." I loved the fact that he stressed the word all.

On Friday, the students in Mrs. Byrne's class proudly informed me they had earned extra recess time by filling up a marble jar.  When asked how they did this, they responded, "We filled buckets!" They then shared stories of helping classmates with kind gestures such as opening a water bottle, returning a lost pencil, and lifting up a chair.  Best of all, the smiles on their faces showed they understood the importance of building a caring, classroom environment.

Morning Announcements

This week, schools across America celebrate 'Constitution Day.'  After months of debating and compromising, 39 of our forefathers signed the final draft of the Constitution into effect September 17, 1787.  The document still serves as the framework for our government.  To honor their contribution, all schools receiving federal funding are obligated to spend time providing lessons about the constitution on the anniversary date.

We begin each day at Sweetsir School reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.  A second grade student helped me make this video clip to show families the typical format of morning announcements. Beginning with grade two, students take turns each morning leading the student body in the pledge via the intercom.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Early Wednesday morning, a crane arrived to lift ventilation units off the roof before school began.  These first graders were fascinated!  Once they hung up their backpacks, they were allowed to spend a few minutes peeking outside the classroom window.  

Hmmm... perhaps these students will be future architects, structural engineers or building inspectors?

My understanding is that the roofing project is well underway.  The Building Inspector, Clerk of the Works and our PRSD Facility Manager have been closely monitoring the progress.  Those piles of large, white rectangles on the roof are styrofoam insulation. Initially, I thought only the older section of the building would be renovated, I was delighted to learn the project will include new roof and windows throughout the building.  Merrimac children for years to come will benefit from this project!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Busy Bees

The bees seem to love our school grounds!  We had to call in the experts... pest control will be here tonight to address the issue.  

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Construction Update: Friday Night

The second day of school, students in grades 1 & 2 attended a school-wide assembly.  Along with the usual beginning of the year overview of recess rules and cafeteria manners, they were given information about the building renovations.  Students were instructed to keep away from the area behind the school, which will serve as a staging area for construction trucks and materials.  PE classes and the after school program will be held indoors or relocated to the front lawn for the first half of the year.

New pipes waiting to be installed.
This is what the building looked like on Friday Night at 6:00 pm.  As you can see in the picture, construction crews have been working second shift to minimize disruption during the school day. The halls were filled with ladders, equipment and workmen as soon as the children departed

Ceiling in middle wing.
We have become very creative in finding ways to work around the renovations!  Our stage is currently serving as a holding area for building materials.

If you look closely at the picture to the left, you will see duct work that has already been installed.  Also in the upper left corner is the bucket we placed there mid-week to catch raindrops.  This spot frequently leaks during rainstorms.  Fortunately, replacing the roof on this section of the building is also on the list of upcoming repairs.

Because this first phase of the project has taken place after hours, the impact on students has been minimal.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

First Day

I always love the first day of school.  It is filled with sweet moments like this....

A second grader rushes off the bus to greet Mrs. Greeley with a big hug.

At the Kindergarten Open House, children are thrilled to climb aboard a real school bus.