Bucket Fillers

What are Bucket Fillers?
Several years ago our school adopted the “Bucket Filling” philosophy as a way to promote kindness and prevent bullying behaviors.  The concept is from Carol McCloud’s book,  Have You Filled a Bucket Today?  Each person has an invisible bucket that represents emotional feelings and mental health.  When kind and positive things happens, it feels as if our bucket is filled.  This simple metaphor of a bucket helps even preschoolers understand the importance of spreading consideration and love.  Copies of this book are available in each classroom as well as the Office, Guidance Rooms and the Library. Each year, kindergartners take turns bringing a copy of the book home to read with family members.

"Bucket Fillers" are those who help without being asked, give smiles and compliments, and generally spread their love and good feelings to others.

"Bucket Dippers" rob us of happy feelings by refusing to help with a task or by saying or doing cruel things. Bullying behavior is an example of bucket dipping. We encourage everyone to “put a lid” on bucket dipping by speaking up or getting help to stop unkind behaviors.
Mrs. Shea on 'Book Character Day'

Two PRSD high school students made this video in May 2012 
featuring some of our students when they were in second grade.
The bucket filling concept is being implemented in schools across the nation.  
The Learning Station music group performed the song above and a Charter School 
in Georgia created the video below.

The Bucket Filler concept is used throughout the Sweetsir school.  Many teachers tie it in with classroom incentive programs encouraging students to earn gems for kind behavior.  They work together as a class to earn pajama days and other special treats.  We are proud to be a "Bucket filling School"!
Giving Tree in the lobby  for the 2011 Holiday Helper Program
                 Mr. Sam Bruce, our custodian, painted this mural on a cafeteria bulletin board.
      The picture is from a page in Carol McCloud's book.