Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Stop, Think, Stay Away

Ray Gouley, from the Merrimac Light & Water Department, gave safety presentations to students in grades k-2 on November 27th.  "Stop, Think, Stay Away," is the key phrase students learned to help them remember what to do if they encounter potentially dangerous situations.  

Students enjoyed watching a video featuring the character 'Mr. Ouch'.  We hope you will ask your child to tell you about 'Mr. Ouch' and review these tips Mr. Gouley covered during the presentations:
  • Texting while driving leads to distracted drives; so cross the street with caution. 
  • Do not play on or near electrical boxes (often they are green).
  • Never go near a downed electrical wire.  Stay away and tell an adult to report it immediately.
  • You should call the Department for help if kites, or other objects, get stuck in the wires.
  • Do not put anything in a light socket. 
  • Never put a utensil in the toaster.
  • If cords are worn, tell a grown up so they can be replaced.
  • Keep hair dryers, and other electrical appliances, away from water. Stay away from cords in the bathroom.  
  • Curling irons are one of the most common cause of house fires.  They should be placed on a ceramic plate to cool.