Monday, September 24, 2012

The Merrimac PTO ROCKS!

Parent Volunteers at the 2011 Festival

Wow, the Merrimac PTO has done it again.  This active group of volunteers has scheduled three major events for Donaghue and Sweetsir families during the month of October!  Fliers with details about the upcoming Wizard's Game, Yard Sale, and Harvest Family Festival will be sent home via backpacks this week.  They are hoping more parents will sign up to help run the events.  To learn more about the PTO, attend their next monthly meeting on October 10th from 7:00pm-8:30pm in the Sweetsir library, and check out their newly revised website with online links to sign up as a volunteer:  

On October 16th, the Harlem Wizards will be returning to play against some brave Donaghue and Sweetsir staff members.  For those of us old enough to remember, this team replicates the same wacky comedy and amazing tricks made famous by the Harlem Globe Trotters. The last time our PTO brought the Wizards to Pentucket the game was sold out, so be sure to purchase tickets in advance.  This is a really fun, wholesome show for families.  (Check out the video below of their last visit).  The players even came to both schools for a pre-game pep rally to build excitement.