Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Construction Update

(Based on Mrs. Shea's observations, see 9/23/11 posting):

The crane is no longer in our back lot and the building was much quieter today!!  This morning a truck came by to pick up supplies to take over to Donaghue.  I have been told the Sweetsir roof is nearing completion.  Most of the roof work is done!  The roofers will be returning periodically to add finishing touches and seal around the heating units as they are installed.

The heating and ventilation work will continue for a few more weeks.  They are preparing to install the heating units on the roof and connect duct work throughout the building.  To meet the expected deadline of October 15th, workers have been here all different shifts.  Last Friday night, they stayed until around midnight to perform welding work when the building was unoccupied.  It must be difficult for the construction workers to work on a school building while it is in session.  All the workers I have interacted with have been polite and accommodating.  It is strenuous work to demolish and rebuild a roof.  I've noticed the men working hard as a team lifting and moving materials.  They have an amazing work ethic!