Sunday, September 11, 2011

Construction Update: Friday Night

The second day of school, students in grades 1 & 2 attended a school-wide assembly.  Along with the usual beginning of the year overview of recess rules and cafeteria manners, they were given information about the building renovations.  Students were instructed to keep away from the area behind the school, which will serve as a staging area for construction trucks and materials.  PE classes and the after school program will be held indoors or relocated to the front lawn for the first half of the year.

New pipes waiting to be installed.
This is what the building looked like on Friday Night at 6:00 pm.  As you can see in the picture, construction crews have been working second shift to minimize disruption during the school day. The halls were filled with ladders, equipment and workmen as soon as the children departed

Ceiling in middle wing.
We have become very creative in finding ways to work around the renovations!  Our stage is currently serving as a holding area for building materials.

If you look closely at the picture to the left, you will see duct work that has already been installed.  Also in the upper left corner is the bucket we placed there mid-week to catch raindrops.  This spot frequently leaks during rainstorms.  Fortunately, replacing the roof on this section of the building is also on the list of upcoming repairs.

Because this first phase of the project has taken place after hours, the impact on students has been minimal.