Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Our Super Lunch Hero

Posters drawn by Ms. V-No
to advertise daily specials.
To kick off "Child Nutrition Employee Week", which begins May 6th, the MA School Nutrition Association is holding an essay contest to find a "Super Lunch Hero."  

Take a peek at the next few blog posts to discover why I am nominating the Sweetsir School Kitchen Manger, Linda Vienneau.  Her contagious sense of humor, tremendous enthusiasm, and dedication make her worthy of such an honor.  Ms. Vieneau (last name sounds like V-No) always has a super clean kitchen and goes above & beyond to promote school lunch as a healthy choice for children.

Career Day
Student inspired by Ms. V-No

In addition to the post below, Ms. Vienneau has been featured in past blog entries.  Follow the kitchen label in right column to see pictures of a brownie troop tour and a video of Mrs. Vienneau making bread.  She is our Super Lunch Hero- Bon Appetite!