Welcome! This blog was active from 2011-2014, as a place to share educational news and interesting snipets about the Sweetsir School. If this is your first visit, please take a moment to look through the blog archive.
During recent guidance lessons, students have been learning about careers. On April 23rd, they were invited to dress as a future career option. As you can see, they were many creative outfits!
Salon Owner
Business Manager
Lego Engineer
Health Care Professionals
Playwright and Teacher
Military Hero
Future Athletic Stars
with Photographer (Ms. Carroll)
Posters drawn by Ms. V-No
to advertise daily specials.
To kick off "Child Nutrition Employee Week", which begins May 6th, the MA School Nutrition Association is holding an essay contest to find a "Super Lunch Hero."
Take a peek at the next few blog posts to discover why I am nominating the Sweetsir School Kitchen Manger, Linda Vienneau. Her contagious sense of humor, tremendous enthusiasm, and dedication make her worthy of such an honor. Ms. Vieneau (last name sounds like V-No) always has a super clean kitchen and goes above & beyond to promote school lunch as a healthy choice for children.
Career Day
Student inspired by Ms. V-No
In addition to the post below, Ms. Vienneau has been featured in past blog entries. Follow the kitchen label in right column to see pictures of a brownie troop tour and a video of Mrs. Vienneau making bread. She is our Super Lunch Hero- Bon Appetite!
First grader with Linda Vienneau, our Kitchen Manger.
On April 1st, this first grader made a "Fool's Hat"for Ms. Vienneau, he said it was "to give her a taste of her own medicine." Throughout the day, Ms. Vienneau had played a number of April Fool's Day pranks on students and faculty. For example, she cut up the lunch order slips and glued them on to long pieces of paper. In the morning, when students and teachers went to fill out the order forms they had a good chuckle.
She decorated pumpkins as Ernie & Bert to decorate the kitchen for fall.
Ms. Vienneau, our Kitchen Manager, has a knack for spreading school spirit! Her enthusiasm is a perfect fit for prek-2 school. She even spells her name tag phonetically as V-No. Here are some examples of the many ways Ms. V-No adds fun to our school:
Throughout the year, she decorates the kitchen for each season with her own hand-made creations, including gingerbread houses and specially decorated pumpkins.
With students on Book Character Day.
She randomly surprises students with stickers for eating their vegetables and trying new dishes.
She created 'Lucky Lunch Day', to encourage students who might not normally buy a lunch to try school food. (Students who participate are randomly chosen for prizes she purchased).
If there is a surplus of a particular side item, she draws funny faces on them to entice students to choose it. (A clever way to promote white milk over chocolate).
She not only dresses up for school theme days, i.e., "Career Day" and "Book Character Day," she also creates her own theme days. For example, on Cinco de Mayo you will find her wearing a sombrero and mustache.
Lucky Lunch Prizes
On her own birthday, she dons a birthday crown and gives away special pencils.
She is also a talented cake maker who creates special cakes for staff meetings and retirement parties.
She participates in school events on weekends and evenings-even bringing along her grown daughter to share a PTO Breakfast with Santa.
Cake she created for staff members
Ms. V-No is always ready with age appropriate jokes. "What do you say if someone tries to take your cheese?....Nacho-cheese." (Told while serving nachos).
Spending a Saturday morning with her daughter at a PTO event.
In honor of Autism Awareness month, I am sharing this You Tube video depicting famous people whom many believe had autism based on historical records about their life. The range of their contributions clearly illustrate these quotes by Temple Grandin:
"The world needs all kinds of minds."
"I am different, not less."
"We need to be developing kids' strengths."
To view earlier posts about Temple Grandin and autism, follow the autism label link, on right, then scroll down.
"Light It Up Blue" Thanks to a gift from one of our preschoolers, the display case in our school lobby will feature blue lights during the month of April. Blue lights are a reminder to us all to spread kindness, awareness, and understanding about autism.