Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Sweetsir Spinners for Cure AT/RT

As many of you know, at the beginning of this school year Merrimac lost two children to pediatric cancer.  My colleagues and I feel blessed that Emma and Avalanna attended the Sweetsir School.  They were beautiful young girls with amazing personalities.  We have many fond memories of how they, and their families, brought joy to our school community.  For this reason, participating in fundraisers to cure pediatric cancer is a cause near and dear to our hearts.                          

Avalanna's family and friends created a fund to support research and treatment at Dana Farber Cancer Institute to cure AT/RT.  The weekend of April 26th-27th, they will be hosting a second Spinathon and Spa Night fundraiser.  The goal is to have 80 teams, raise $1,000 each, and ride spin bikes for 24 hours at Latitude's in Methuen.  (For more details, visit www.cureatrt.org ).

Last year, a team made up of Sweetsir staff members and parents had a great time at the event and raised $1,675!  (Follow the cure AT/RT label on the right to see pictures).  If you would like to ride with the "Sweetsir Spinners" this year, contact our Team Captain Erica Wentworth at ewentworth@prsd.org.   The Sweetsir Spinners are collecting monetary donations at the Sweetsir School office until April 24th.