Our school nurse, Ann Brady-Lozier, recently updated the Sweetsir website with information about the flu (link: Health Information). She recommends thorough hand washing as the best defense. Since children tend to skip soap or rinse too quickly, they need adults to remind them of proper washing techniques. Mrs. Lozier has been visiting classrooms to stress the importance of these five steps:
1) Wet hands;
2) Add soap;
3) Thoroughly wash*;
4) Rinse;
5) Dry hands with a towel.
3) Thoroughly wash*;
4) Rinse;
5) Dry hands with a towel.
*Step 3 should last as long as it takes to sing two verses of Row, Row, Row Your Boat. Ask your children if they know the catchy lyrics Mrs. Lozier made up to go with that popular tune:
'Wash, wash, wash your hands
thoroughly and clean.
Spreading your germs to other kids
is really very mean.'