Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Guidance Resources

The Dr. Frederick N. Sweetsir and Helen R. Donaghue Schools are fortunate to share a wonderful Guidance Team.  Miss Sarah Angell, Mrs. Amy Brennan and Mrs. Kathie Sullivan are highly dedicated professionals who care deeply about children.  Services they provide include: class guidance lessons, social skill groups, and consultations.  They are also available to support parents in helping children through all types of life experiences.   If you ever need information, support, or help connecting with area resources, please know that they welcome your phone call.

A letter is going home in students' backpacks today with tips and resources for coping with loss. Links to the on-line resources are posted below.  We plan to purchase multiple copies of the recommended books to have available for parents to borrow in the near future.  Our hope is to create a lending library for parents with books on a variety of health/guidance/parenting topics.  Once the lending library is set up, we will share the available titles with you.  

The Good Grief Program-Boston Medical Center

The Children’s Room
Tips for Talking to Children After traumatic events