Wednesday, August 8, 2012

2012-2013 Teacher Assignments

On August 15th, we plan to mail home letters informing HRD & FNS students who their classroom teacher will be for the upcoming year.  Please understand, these letters are going out later than previous years because we were waiting to find out about additional revenue from the state.  Fortunately, our district received enough funding to restore four of the positions recently cut.  One elementary teacher will be restored for each of the three towns, along with a Middle School counselor.  Rob Harrison, Principal of the Donaghue School, met with me to review class sizes at both Merrimac schools.  Although class sizes were also high in several upper grades, we both felt the biggest need was in first grade since it is a crucial year for developing reading skills. Therefore, we will have four sections in grade one this year.  Merrimac is so lucky to have Mr. Harrison as a principal- he is truly a team player who cares deeply about providing all Merrimac children the best possible learning environment!  Our hope for the future is to have lower class sizes in all our elementary classrooms.  Below is a listing of the Sweetsir teachers for 2012-2013.

A clever FNS teacher uses this system so students
always have a sharp pencil available-
without the loud buzz of a pencil grinder.

A number of parents have inquired about purchasing back to school supplies.   As in previous years, teachers will include suggestions in the August 15th letters.  However, please know that this is only a 'wish list' and not mandatory.  While donations of stickers, hand sanitizes, tissues, and extra pencils are always welcome- please know that we will provide students with the necessities.  If you wish to contribute, but do not have a chance to shop before opening day, you may send supplies in later.  We apologize for the short notice this year.  Teachers often spend their own money to buy extra supplies, so your help is greatly appreciated!

I have several backpacks that were donated by community members to assist families experiencing financial need.  Please feel free to contact me via phone or email at if you would like me to set one aside for you.  Also at the upcoming 'Merrimac Goes Back to School' event, on Tuesday August 28th, the PTO plans to give grade 1 & 2 students pencil boxes for their desks. 

Sweetsir Teachers for 2012-2013

Preschool Teachers:   Patricia DiStefano; Tracey McCarthy; Leslie Mitchell                      
Kindergarten:   Susan Richard (part-time sessions); Carol Ruest (full day session)     
First Grade:   Kate Byrne; Jodi Caproni; Kate Carroll; Bridget Murray   
Second Grade:   Colleen Belmont; Kathryn DiGennaro; Kristen Rowley                    
Art:   Drew Duprey (previously known as Miss Duford)                                 
Music:   Mary Ellen Ramsey                                 
PE:   Melody Moody                                           
Title One Teachers:   Toni Sabella; Emily Marsh; Sara Treem               

Special Educators:                                   
Kathleen Sullivan      Team Coordinator
Christine Joyce          Grades k & 2                  
Karen Schwartz         Grade k & 1                    
Julie Healey               Room 25 Communication Program                      
Lisa Mitchell              Speech & Language      
Diane Milewski          Speech & Language       
Julie Walton               COTA                              
Julie Andrews            Occupational Therapist