Monday, May 21, 2012

Fine Art Show & Auction

On Tuesday, May 29th, there will be a Fine Arts Show at the Donaghue School from 6:00pm-8:00pm.  Artwork for both Sweetsir and Donahue students (grades k-6) will be featured, along with musical entertainment from the HRD chorus.

After you browse through the exhibits, stop in the B & A room to show your support to the PTO.  Auction items will be presented in a silent bid format.  These items in the photos and many other class gifts will be up for bid, along with items donated by local businesses.   

Ms. Drew Duford, Art Teacher, created the lesson below to foster 'collaboration'.  Students worked in partners to create a scene with small hidden shapes. They practiced brainstorming ideas, compromising and delegating tasks.