Saturday, May 26, 2012

Bucket Filler becomes a Trailblazer

Miss Kate Carroll

Congratulations to Miss Kate Carroll~ 2012 Trailblazer! 

The Pentucket Educational Foundation will be honoring one teacher from each Pentucket school with a 'Trailblazer Award' at the June 5th School Committee Meeting.  This is the second year the PEF will be recognizing teachers who 'inspire, energize and motivate others' with $500 to purchase classroom materials.

Miss Kate Carroll is a talented first grade teacher who goes above and beyond to share her passion and skills with others.  Earlier this year, for example, she played a pivotal role in helping colleagues learn to use the online technology component of our upgraded math program.  Her knowledge of smart board technology has made her the building go to person for technology needs.  In May, Miss Carroll was invited to be a presenter at the Teaching and Learning Alliance literacy conference.  She, and colleague Kate Byrne, facilitated a training for Massachusetts educators on how to create focus lessons for Reader's Workshop.  

Miss Carroll was instrumental in bringing the 'bucket filling' concept to Sweetsir School.  I was struck by the warm, positive culture created in her classroom and noticed her using Carol McCloud's book to promote kindness.  The concept has since caught on as our school-wide theme.  Miss Carroll is a prime example of a 'bucket filler.'  She spent much of this year recovering from an injury she sustained practicing basketball for a PTO fundraiser.  She refused to take time off because she didn't think it would be fair to her first grade students.  Instead, she came to work in a wheelchair and used it as a teaching opportunity to help children understand the importance of compassion and acceptance for those with disabilities.  Seeing her smile as she leaned on a chair to reach the smart board, or glide across the hall to share a resource with fellow teachers, one could not help but be inspired.  Miss Carroll's dedication and positive attitude make her most deserving of the title 'Trailblazer'!

Thank  you to the Pentucket Educational Foundation for creating the Trailblazer Awards!  The following list of educators were also selected to receive this honor:
  • Bagnall:  Ms. Regan
  • Donaghue: Ms. Simmons
  • High School: Ms. Sessions
  • Middle School: Mr. Beatrice
  • Page: Mr. Peterson

Honoring Veterans

Many veterans and family members attended our annual Memorial Day ceremony on May 25th.  Children sang patriotic songs and shared heart touching poetry they had written to thank the men and women who served to keep our country safe. 
Kudos to Mrs. Ramsey for conducting
220 children so gracefully!

Last year, these two brothers posed in front of a thank you banner after the ceremony so their mom could take a picture of them to send to their brother, a soldier stationed oversea.  He has since returned home safely and was able to join us this year!

As the bombs blow and the gun shots fire 
you put your life on the line all for your country.
You travel mighty weather and bitter cold all for your country. 
You travel close and far all for your country.  
At the risk of death you never quit all for your country.  
No matter the circumstance you do your job all for your country.  
Thank you for protecting me.  
You deserve this so I'm honoring you with this poem!
-Poem by Aiden, gr. 2

Clark brothers

Commander Roger Clark attended with a group of veterans from the American Legion.  He and his brother had some pretty amusing stories to share after the ceremony.  If you see them around town, ask them to tell you what it was like growing up along the Merrimac River.  

This very moving video features the song, 'Thank you, soldiers.'  As they were learning the lyrics for the ceremony, students were shown this video to help them understand the significance behind the words.  The song was written by Michael and Angela Soulders.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Bucket Fillers Bicycling for Diabetes

Emma- 2 years ago
"These two young girls are my superheros.  They showcases the courage it takes to live every day with this difficult disease.  They are two vibrant and wonderful young ladies who are living with type 1 Diabetes through their childhood years as I did.  In honor of their journey, and the journey of their friends and family who are with them, I am riding to support their healthy future."  
          -Courtney Breen (describing a Sweetsir student and a family friend                      who are the inspiration for the family's ride this year).
The Breen Team, 4yrs ago

Emma & Joshua are Bucket Fillers! 

Two Sweetsir Students will be participating in the 'Tour de Cure Bike Ride to Stop Diabetes' on Sunday, June 3rd.  This will be the fifth time for Emma (1st grader) and first time for siblings, Joshua and Regan.  Their team also includes: grand mother- Jeane Lowd and parents - Joel and Courtney Breen.  The ride has special meaning for them since their mom and several dear friends were diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes as young children.  Courtney credits treatments found from fundraising efforts like 'Tour de Cure' for helping her accomplish healthy living goals.  

In the past few years, I've known several elementary age students who were unexpectedly diagnosed with diabetes. They, and their families, were suddenly thrust into a life altering experience. To maintain their health, they must follow restrictive diets, monitor blood glucose levels, take insulin shots and work closely with their health team.  I encourage all families to preview the warning signs listed below and consider joining  the Breen family in their efforts to stop this medical condition which affects over 25 million Americans.

To help Emma & Joshua's team raise money for the American Diabetes Association visit:
Breen Team Page  (donations can be made on-line or by contacting the Breen family directly).
   Symptoms of Type 1 Diabetes
  • Frequent urination
  • Unusual thirst
  • Extreme hunger
  • Unusual weight loss
  • Extreme fatigue and Irritability
Diabetes often goes undiagnosed because many of its symptoms seem so harmless. Recent studies indicate that the early detection of diabetes symptoms and treatment can decrease the chance of developing the complications of diabetes.  Consult with your physician if you notice any of the warning signs above.  For more information visit:  American Diabetes Association Website

Fine Art Show & Auction

On Tuesday, May 29th, there will be a Fine Arts Show at the Donaghue School from 6:00pm-8:00pm.  Artwork for both Sweetsir and Donahue students (grades k-6) will be featured, along with musical entertainment from the HRD chorus.

After you browse through the exhibits, stop in the B & A room to show your support to the PTO.  Auction items will be presented in a silent bid format.  These items in the photos and many other class gifts will be up for bid, along with items donated by local businesses.   

Ms. Drew Duford, Art Teacher, created the lesson below to foster 'collaboration'.  Students worked in partners to create a scene with small hidden shapes. They practiced brainstorming ideas, compromising and delegating tasks.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Future FNS Workers

Future Engineer
(Designer of the next renovation project.)

On May 9th, students and faculty members celebrated "Career Day" by dressing up in outfits to represent possible future careers.  During lunchtime our Guidance Counselor, Sarah Angell, followed up on classroom discussions about careers by polling students and charting their choices.                                

Future School Nurses

Most popular careers:  pro athletes, teachers, artists, doctors/nurses and veterinarians. 

Most unique careers:  pig farmer, gemologist, medical safari worker, lego designer, paleontologist, exterminator, archaeological, secret serviceman and monkey zoologist.
Future Teachers and Principal

These could be the faces at Sweetsir School in 20 years!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Snack Charts & Carrots

Jennifer Karin, from Anna Jacques Hospital,
Puppeteer Leslie Smith & Sammy the Snail, and  Mary Beth Shea

Anna Jacques Hospital obtained a grant from the Moseley Foundation to fund a 'Healthy Snack' initiative at the Sweetsir School which began in April.  Each classroom was given a chart, as shown in the picture, so they could track the healthy snacks brought in by students.  The kick-off  for this initiative included a puppet show featuring Sammy the Snail and entertainer Leslie Smith.  As an incentive students earned trading cards depicting food based cartoon characters.  The grant also included books and videos about nutrition and exercise for our library.

The feedback from students has been extremely positive.  Last week, a mom told me she really appreciated the focus on healthy eating.  As a result, her son has been requesting she buy carrots and other vegetables for snacks on a regular basis!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Community Outreach

 Firefighter Michel McLeieer as  Preschool Guest Reader

The children of Merrimac are fortunate to have educational programs brought to the school by local community members. Ray Gould, from the Electric Light Department, and Michael McLeieer, from the Merrimac Fire Department, organize several safety prevention programs across grade levels.

On May 29th, the Electric Light Department plans to meet with children in grades k-2 to review summer safety tips, such as staying away from downed wires and kites caught in power lines.

Kids loved the giant mouth & toothbrush

Dr. St. Germain with Kindergartners
Local dentist, Dr. St. Germain, meets with kindergartners each year to teach them about oral hygiene and proper bushing techniques.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Getting Ready for Kindergarten

We had sixty children drop by Sweetsir School for kindergarten screening this week. It was adorable to see how excited these incoming students are to begin their school careers. Children who will be 5 years old by September 1st are eligible for kindergarten. Parents should call the school as soon as possible to register.