Window Renovations
We are entering into the last phase of building renovations! Window replacements are scheduled to begin this week. I have been told to anticipate they will take until the end of the school year to complete. I'll try to keep parents informed with updates on this blog. However, please keep in mind I am not supervising the project, so postings are based just on my observations or the information I am given. (The building is owned by the Town of Merrimac so the construction projects are under the jurisdiction of Merrimac Town Officials. The Building Inspector, Health Inspector and other experts come on-site to review the work).
The plan is to begin construction on the side of the building near the dumpsters, and then proceed toward the first grade wing on the playground side. The first few rooms to be done are storage areas and teacher work rooms, so it will take awhile before reaching classrooms. Workers have said they will give notice, so teachers have time to prepare students before it is their turn. Custodians will help relocate essential teaching materials so classes can move to other spaces while the work is completed. To keep children out of workers way, recess will be held either indoors or near the front entrance while the windows facing the playground are replaced.**
Please be assured, the staff and I have spent considerable time planning out details to minimize any impact on learning. For example, we have easels, calendars and new area rugs ready for designated 'swing rooms' so students can continue with daily routines such as Morning Meeting and Reader's Workshop. Unlike the roof and heating/ventilation projects, which impacted the entire building all at once, this project should be localized to one area of the school at a time. I like to remind folks, we did managed to successfully house an additional 110 students without notice when the Donaghue School unexpectedly closed for repairs last year. Staff members rose to the occasion and children responded really well. We have a great team here at Sweetsir and our top priority is always children's safety. I feel confident this project will go smoothly and am looking forward to a draft free, drip free school next year :)
** I normally encourage families to use the play equipment and grounds when school is not in session, but advise against it during construction. During the last project, I witness children playing in Jervey Loop after school as unsuspecting delivery trucks came around the corner. It makes it very difficult for workers, if children are skateboarding or playing ball nearby.