Parents, thank you for encouraging students in grades 1 & 2 to spend time practicing math facts!!
On 2/6/12, we achieved our goal of completing 140 'Math Fact Power Hours' and spun the wheel for a school wide celebration! "Bring a stuffed animal to school day" was a huge hit! Penguins, teddy bears, puppy dogs and other favorite friends were seen peeking out of backpacks and sitting on desks. Since the incentive program will continue until February vacation we will have an opportunity to achieve our next goal and spin the wheel again.
The hours logged in by each 1st & 2nd grade classroom are represented on a graph displayed in the cafeteria. This has promoted many in prompt to discussions about how to interpret data. At the end of each week, we tally up the logs and recognize the class with the most hours.
Power Hour Graph
Ms. Hitchcock's second graders logged in the most hours two weeks in a row. Ms. Hitchcock noticed an improvement in her students' ability to master math facts once the triangle flashcards went home. At the beginning and end of every week she does a quick timed test of math facts. The students in her class who have been practicing with cards at home saw a noticeable improvement in their score! Proof that practicing math facts helps with mastery!