Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Mastering Math Facts

Developing an understanding of numbers and the ability to add and subtract with ease is essential during the early school years.  Children who do not master the ability to add and subtract quickly and accurately will struggle with math in later years.  Most children need ongoing practice to memorize facts, therefore, making it part of a home routine is important. 

This box of triangle math cards just arrived thanks to a generous contribution from the PTO!  Every student in first and second grade will receive a set to take home.  In January, we plan to roll out a school-wide incentive program to encourage children to practice their math facts.  Teachers will introduce the cards and show how to use them.  Then the minutes students spend practicing at home will be tracked by class and displayed on a school wide graph.  More details will be sent home with the cards in mid-January.

Triangle shape cards are more effective than the traditional flash cards because students learn to memorize 'fact families.'  Fact families are a set of three numbers that link addition and subtraction, or multiplication and division, together.  For example, the numbers 4,6,10 can be added or subtracted:  6+4=10, 4+6=10, 10-4=6, 10-6=4.  Presenting the numbers together helps students understand the relationship between adding and subtracting.  Each number is in a corner, allowing a finger to cover one of them while viewing the other two.  The student looks at the other members of the fact family and then guesses the covered number.  These triangle cards are also available for multiplication/division.  Parents of 3rd and 4th graders may want to consider purchasing a set which can be found online or at specialty learning stores.