On Thursday, October 5th, Merrimac Firefighters Michael McLeieer and Scott Maker visited the Sweetsir School to teach students in grades k-2 fire prevention safety tips. Students learned the importance of having smoke alarms and knowing emergency exit routes. In the event of a fire, they learned everyone must 'get out and stay out'. In the picture above students are pointing up to where the 'bad air' goes. Below, Jake the fire dog gets ready to demonstrate how to crawl under smoke.
We are very fortunate to have access to such comprehensive fire prevention programs. In addition to this assembly, the Merrimac Firefighters will be back later this year for a special program aimed at preschoolers. On alternate years, they visit our school with the 'Escape Smoke Trailer'. Students meet in the trailer, which is decorated to look like a room inside an actual house, and experience a simulated smoke exercise. Children practice crawling under smoke and out an escape route. This year, the Merrimac Fire Department brought the Escape Smoke Trailer to the other elementary schools within our district. Students at both the Bagnall School and Page School benefitted from the experience.
"Change Your Clocks; Change Your Batteries!"
A great way to remember to change your smoke alarm batteries is to do it twice a year
when you change your clocks for day light savings.
Mrs. Shea just bought new batteries for her home smoke alarms, you should too!