Sweetsir Students who love trucks are in for a real treat this year! Three building renovation projects will be taking place on-site this fall. The oldest part of the building (first grade & preschool wings) will be getting new windows, a new roof and an improved heating ventilation system. We are so fortunate our district applied for this Greens Project funding! Although it may be inconvenient for a few months, we can look forward to a much warmer building and a roof that does not leak.
Yesterday, I met with the gentlemen who will be our construction site supervisor. He has experience doing these types of projects while schools are in session. He recommended we use two of our empty rooms as 'swing rooms'. This will allow two classes at a time to relocate for a few days when the windows are installed. The back of the building will be a staging area for the trucks and equipment. This spot will allow easy access to the roof. Equipment will be moved out of the way during arrival and dismissal time, and safety barriers will be placed on Jervey Loop during recess time. The workers will have an outdoor Porto-potty and school bathrooms will be off limits. Since the other four elementary schools are also having building projects take place, the contractors will have weekly meetings will school officials to discuss any concerns and provide progress updates.
I am planning to have a school-wide assembly at the beginning of the year to fill students in on what to expect. I am confident the teaching staff will find creative ways to incorporate the renovation projects into a learning experience. Right outside our doors, will be real life examples of careers that use math, science and engineering!